Created by film producer Hal Roach, also the producer of the Laurel and Hardy films, Our Gang shorts were produced from 1922 to 1944, spanning the silent film and early sound film periods of American cinema. Our Gang (also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals) is an American series of comedy short films chronicling a group of poor neighborhood children and their adventures. The Little Rascals Christmas Special (1979) Our Gang Comedies: 220 shorts produced by Hal Roach Studios (1922-1938),
Our Gang Comics ( Dell Comics, 1942-1949, 59 issues)įour Color Comics (Dell Comics, 1956-1962, 12 issues of anthology series) Title card for the 1937 Our Gang comedy short Rushin' BalletĪ Story of Our Gang - Romping Through Hal Roach Comedies (1929)